Tag Archives: los angeles

Support North Valley Caring Services

Dear friends and family…

For the 9th year, on the occasion of my 62nd birthday, I am raising money for North Valley Caring Services. NVCS is a community organization that supports the emergence of a poor mostly Hispanic community in Panorama City, just a couple miles east of where I live.

From its beginnings as a soup kitchen, NVCS has grown to offer an array of programs that help individuals and families, including Adult ESL Courses, Early Childhood Education, and Parenting Classes; a Youth Program and a Workforce Development program. They have additional services including a holiday toy give-away, free Thanksgiving meal, health screenings and referral services.

Please support my effort by making a donation of $25, $50, $100 or whatever amount you can give by clicking the link below to donate thru Paypal! This is the one time during the year I ask my network for money, and my goal again this year is to raise $1000 for this critical organization! There are three options to make your donation…

1. By PayPal, if you already have a PayPal account…

Click here to donate!

2. Thru the North Valley Caring Service website apply page…

Click here to donate!

3. Or by check…

Write your check to “NVCS” and mail it to me at

Cooper Zale
17803 Devonshire St Unit 3
Northridge CA 91325

Whichever way you decide to donate, please let me know how much you are donating so I can keep track of how much I raised!

By email: cooperzale@gmail.com
By text: 818-298-5386
Facebook message: https:facebook.com/cooper.zale

To learn more about North Valley Caring Services and the great work they do, go to their website at www.nvcsinc.org.
