Tag Archives: expletives

Expletive Deleted

F WordJust an initial heads up here… if you have a problem with people talking about the “F word” and actually spelling it out in their piece, then read no further…

Using those more “colorful” words in our wonderful human languages is an adventure in cultural norms, with different expectations for different segments of the community… youth versus adults, men versus women. At the top of the patriarchal pecking order, men of course are generally allowed to swear, expected to even among each other, as a sign of their privilege, but women (at least in the presence of men) and kids (at least in the presence of adults) not so much. But certainly among me and my friends (when I was young) and among my kids (when they still were youths), swearing was one way of trying on adult behavior and trying to experience the coolness and swagger of being an adult. Continue reading →