Tag Archives: Cooper Zale Hematoma

My Surgery

Sutures hospitalAn update for everyone… As a late emerging issue from my bicycle crash in November, I apparently developed a blood vessel bleed in my brain after CAT scan and MRI which had been clear. It developed into a hematoma which was finally detected by another CAT scan on Feb 1.

Immediately after the scan I had successful surgery on Monday, February 1, to remove an inch and a half hematoma (blood clot) from the right side of my skull which was putting increasing pressure on my brain and could have soon led to brain damage and death. I spent the next five days in the ICU at Kaiser Woodland Hills while they drained excess fluid out of my brain and monitored my initial recovery. I was very relieved to be sent home on Saturday to begin a two to three month convalescence while my brain slowly returns to its proper position where it had been displaced by the blood clot. The recovery process is particularly challenging for me because my (hopefully temporary) disability is focused on my fine motor coordination in my left hand (I’m left-handed), making it difficult for me to write or type. (I am writing this with somedifficulty!) Continue reading →