Tag Archives: cooper zale blog

My Inspiration to Blog

Me in my home office
Me in my home office
Last year my son Eric encouraged me to do a blog. It was nice to have your progeny think well enough about me to think that you have something to say to others. He told me how to get a URL (web address) and gave me space on his company’s web server. He showed me how to pick a free blog template (from the WordPress.com offerings) and deploy it on my blog. I ran into a few initial obstacles which he helped me resolve. Continue reading →

Welcome to Lefty Parent

Me in my home office
Me in my home office

Hey fellow travelers… whether you are involved with raising your own progeny, someone else’s, or are just playing a role as an adult in some kid’s life, I want to share that experience with you, because there is nothing more profound than helping people (young or otherwise, and even including yourself) come into their own in this world and move forward on their evolutionary path.

Having spent over half a century in this incarnation on earth, and almost half of that as a parent, you can bet that I would have some thoughts, posing perhaps as wisdom, about this very fundamental role in human society, and I wager that you do as well. You cannot go through the experience of helping kids on their journey to agency and adulthood without feeling at times inadequate, moved to tears, longing to have another chance, blessed, relieved and many other gut-checking emotions. It is hard work, and as many have noted, you are more likely to feel guilt and get blame for failure than feel pride and get kudos for success. Continue reading →