Reflecting on Lefty Parent So Far

Me in my home office
Me in my home office
I’ve been doing this blog for a couple months now and I thought it appropriate to stop and reflect today on how its going so far. So here are some thoughts…

First of all, I want to acknowledge all of you have posted comments on my posts, including: Adam Fletcher, Bob Bruech, Caroline D, Cheri Isett, David Wolinsky, Emily Haraldan, Ida Hurt, Jim Strickland, John Thompson, Katie L, Kim Moreas, Leo Fahey, Nancy Shriver, Noreen Ringlein, Sally Rosloff, Blanche & Reuben Rosloff and Tom Kennedy (I think that’s everybody!) Some of you I know from my life in Los Angeles (my U-U Congregation and my partner Sally’s alternative energy and healing community), others from online communities I participate in (AERO, IDEA, EfHG, Ed Week Forums, etc.), and maybe others beyond all that. It is hard to write when you don’t have an audience, so your comments have been critical in keeping me going.

I guess there are others of you out there who may be reading my blog but not commenting, I am only semi-aware of you from my daily “blog hit” statistics. I seem to be getting about 20 or 30 a day. I would be thrilled of course if you identified yourselves by a quick comment on this or any other post.

We are all unique souls with our own thoughts, story and wisdom to share with the rest of the world. When I passed my 50th birthday, I felt compelled like never before to try and share mine. What is the point of living so long in this incarnation and experiencing so much if you have no thoughts (posing as wisdom…*g*) to share with others? Particularly when, in my case, I don’t see anyone speaking so much from the perspective I’ve acquired, seasoned by a child-friendly youth in the amazing town of Ann Arbor, later tribulations, feminism, raising kids who did not fit in the educational box, Unitarian-Universalism, the historical perspective of Riane Eisler’s “The Chalice and the Blade”, “New Age” wisdom including “Creating your own reality”, just to name some of my influences.

We where am I headed at the moment? Well I’ve been out of work since July 2008 (though with five months severance pay) which has been an interlude that has been giving me the opportunity to really see if I can focus on my writing… and I feel like I am having some success in that focus. I have been able to keep up with writing this blog and also writing vignettes for a companion book, with a current working title of “Confessions of a Lefty Parent”, which I hope I can get published as a contribution to the movement to transform how youth and adults engage each other in our culture. My fantasy is to be able to make money as an author and advocate so I can continue to focus on this full-time.

But now my severance has run out and I have been lucky enough to find a new job working on a three-month information technology project that will bring money in again towards paying the bills. Going back to this work will take a great deal of my time and challenge my ability to keep up this blog and my other writing and youth/adult engagement projects. But now that I have made this transition to writing nearly every day, I don’t really want to let go.

As my dad always believed… life is an adventure… and I am now charting new ground in my own life story, as many of you are as well I am sure.

2 replies on “Reflecting on Lefty Parent So Far”

  1. Greetings Cooper! Congrats on the new job, but please don’t give up your lefty parent website nor your blogging! I am a teacher in the “system” out of necessity, but have been nurturing an idea for down the road a bit in order to organize some alternative ed route for our communities. I homeschooled three of my kids for a little while, until divorce forced me to go back to school to get my degree. Now my kids are grown, for the most part, but I am impassioned about changing our way of teaching and learning. My own teaching that I do every day is a labor of love and advocacy for our kids in our communities. John Taylor Gatto is one of my heroes and has been for many years, ever since I read his Dumbing Us Down. Here’s a question:
    On, you suggested to Clay Burrell that he put a video of Gatto into one of his blogs. Could you please direct me to a site where I can see this video? Thank you and don’t stop writing! I love your site!

    Evie Romero Montoya

  2. Evie… thank you so much for your comment… it means so much to me to get feedback like that and feel like folks reading my blog get something out of it… a little inspiration perhaps.

    Good to hear you are a big Gatto fan like I am. His book, “The Underground History of American Education” just blew my mind, and I’ve spent the past three years reading his recommended list of twenty-some books about aspects of American history and the history of education.

    As to the Gatto video, I will track the one down that I am familiar with and post it on my blog and recommend it to Clay as well.

    Also, if you have time you might consider participating in the “Educating for Human Greatness” group, that was started by long-time progressive educator Lynn Stoddard. Here are links to the group’s forum and flier.

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