Thoughts on Parks & Playgrounds

Responding to my recent post on “Duck & Cover…”, my U-U friend Emily, who has posted several comments on my blog, recalled as a kid living next door to her elementary school and its playground. She recalls fondly having the playground so close, and being able to spend so much time playing there. I had a similar circumstance in my youth…

Almendinger Park, Ann Arbor
Almendinger Park, Ann Arbor
My mom and dad made a concerted effort when my brother and I were kids to live next to a park, so we had that great close by venue to play. During my early elementary years, we lived in our little house across the street from Almendinger Park in Ann Arbor. Not a big park, but it had a playground, big lilac bushes to hide in and do imagination play, a couple baseball diamonds, a tennis court and picnic tables under a stand of maple trees. The parks and recreation department also had a person on site in the summer to let kids in the neighborhood check out sports equipment – soccer balls, baseballs and bats, tether balls, etc. – and organize some activities.

Burns Park School seen from across the park
Burns Park School seen from across the park
We moved from there to the east side of town when I was nine, my mom thinking the local junior high (Tappan) in that neighborhood might be a better school for me to go to. Again my mom and dad managed to find a house (renting this time) right across the street from a rather large park, Burns Park, which also included the new elementary school I would be going to for fifth grade. It was quite the place for a kid, with two basketball court, two baseball diamonds, two football/soccer fields, five tennis courts, several playgrounds, a small hill, and a multipurpose room with staff in the summer to check out equipment and organize stuff for kids to do.

Just like Emily, I spent countless hours in the park, playing with the kids in the neighborhood or by myself, joining in pickup games of one sport or the other, hitting a tennis ball against the backboard, and an array of all sorts of other activities. At any given point during a nice weekend or summer afternoon there might be 100 youth in the park, mostly doing various activities not supervised by adults. I would be out there for hours at a time and my mom would ring a cow bell when it was time for me to come home for dinner, for the evening, or for some other reason.

Even on school days the park got quite a workout from the neighborhood kids. Starting fifth grade at the Burns Park Elementary School on the park site, I quickly discovered that every day before school in the morning, and during the lunch hour, there was a standing soccer game between the sixth graders on one team and the fourth and fifth graders on the other. On any given school morning, and then again at lunch, 30 to 50 kids (almost all boys) would gather at the football/soccer fields, some bringing soccer balls and the spontaneous soccer game would begin, as best as I can remember, unsupervised by adults. It was usually a pretty wild and semi-chaotic affair with maybe three or four soccer balls in play at the same time.

These daily games continued through the fall, winter and into the spring, in warm or cold, dry or wet weather, even negotiating winter snow. (Maybe on a really rainy day we all took a pass.) I laugh now to think of how we would come into our school classes after the bell rang completely exhausted, soaked with sweat, and making the place smell like a locker room I’m sure.

My Kids at ages 7 & 10
My Kids at ages 7 & 10
For me, in my youth, the world of the park was a major part of my life, where I played and engaged in many activities, unsupervised by adults. But for my kids, growing up in the big city in an age when parents were afraid to let their kids outside the house unsupervised, they had none of this sort of experience. My kids never got to live in house next door to a park or a schoolyard. They might walk, bicycle or drive with me to one of the local parks here in the Valley, but it was for a limited period and always closely supervised by me. And there were never other neighborhood kids there that they new. My kids never had that sort of neighborhood.

When you think about it, so many factors go into the differences, particularly when it comes to play venues for kids, between a mid-size Midwestern town like Ann Arbor in the 1960s versus a megalopolis like Los Angeles in the 1990s, when my kids were growing up. It wasn’t just that Ann Arbor was a much smaller town than Los Angeles. My partner Sally’s folks, Blanche and Reuben, grew up in New York City, in the Bronx, and spent many hours outside the house playing unsupervised by adults. There was a community where they lived in the Bronx, like there was where I lived in Ann Arbor. There just wasn’t that same community thing in the suburban San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles in the 1990s, at least not where my family lived.

Had there been more of a neighborhood connection in my Valley bedroom community in the 1960s? Was thirty years the key factor? I don’t know.

4 replies on “Thoughts on Parks & Playgrounds”

  1. I’ve been loving your comments and now I can enjoy your blog also. I’m curious about your nickname.

    My mentor was Freda Ameringer, whose husband was Oscar the person credited with the term “Industrial Democracy” or “industry of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Although they we closest to their good friend Eugene V. Debs, the Ameringer made coalitions with everyone from Bill Haywood to Eleanor Roosevelt. FYI, even though she never sought credit, Freda contributed greatly to the parks system in Milwaulkee.

  2. John… Thanks for the comment… I really appreciate your thoughts. BTW… I’m curious how you found out about my blog.

    As to the origin of “Lefty Parent”, see my initial blog post…

    Basically, “Lefty Parent” reflects that creative tension between the politically liberal, left-leaning family and community I grew up in and my own left-handed tendency to think outside or not quite fit in the box of a right-handed world, even the left-leaning part of it.

    Cooper Zale

  3. John… akin to Freda Ameringer, apparently a woman of means in my own home town of Ann Arbor died in the early 20th Century and left her money to the city for the maintenance of the trees, at that time they were mostly elms. Well during the middle of the 20th Century, the Dutch Elm Disease swept thru Ann Arbor’s trees, killing one elm after another. But because of the endowment, the city was able to replace each dead elm with a young maple tree. Now Ann Arbor is carpeted in beautiful maple trees, as you can see in the arial shot of Almendinger park.

  4. John… My 23 year old son Eric encouraged me to do a blog. I decided on “Lefty Parent” because of the double entendre of being raised and living in a politically left environment, but also being left-handed and thinking outside the box of a right-handed world (even the left-leaning side of it).

    Most of the other otherwise politically progressive parents I know are pretty authoritarian in their thinking when it comes to education. My own click to see the need for an individual youth and their family to have the liberty to chart their own educational course has led me to a more libertarian position on many things, thought not absolute right of property. According to Wikipedia I think I am becoming a “left libertarian”. Is there some sort of pill or salve I can cure that with?…*g*

    I realize more and more I really had a unique and positive childhood, the kind all the child development thinkers and youth liberation types talk about. Now I turn around and after resisting at first finally raised my kids way outside the box, including being okay with neither of them graduating from or even going to high school, let alone college. They are now 19 and 23 and have been basically on their own for the last five years to learn whatever they want however they can figure out to do so. It makes most of the other parents we know very nervous to even fathom what we did with our kids.

    So apparently being so unique… maybe its worth sharing how I got so weird and unorthodox with others.

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